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Colosso – From Nothing to Nothing

Colosso is an ambient Death Metal project started by Max Tomé in 2011.
With several collaborations with member from bands such as Megadeth, Soilwork, Gaerea, Analepsy and with five albums under its belt, Colosso now unleashes From Nothing to Nothing – a reworked/revamped version of the 2018 album named Rebirth. This new version has a complete re-recording of all vocals, a new mix and new production as well.

I’ve never heard Colosso before and I think From Nothing to Nothing is a good introduction to the project. There is a certain 90’s atmosphere in the songs, the relentless aggression of pure death metal, and modern progressive/groove approach of recent times. There are 7 tracks, riding around 17 minutes but it feels like just one song, consisting of different chapters. Max Tomé’s songwriting has many shifts and transitions to keep it interesting. If you enjoy when clean vocals and ambient passages mixed into death metal, you’ll probably enjoy From Nothing To Nothing more than anyone else.

And also, if you’re a nerd like me, listen to it by comparing with the old version. Its fascinating to see how production affects everything. Check out Colosso’s BANDCAMP for more.

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Korhan Tok

Üniversiteden sonra metali bırakmadım.

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